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Experts care for one Trump’s swelling profile from China trademarks raises severe argument interesting questions

Experts care for one Trump’s swelling profile from China trademarks raises severe argument interesting questions

China keeps provided first recognition to own 38 brand new Trump tradeily so you can possibly produce a number of labeled organizations of lodging to help you insurance so you can bodyguard and you may escort features, social files reveal

Trump’s lawyers in China applied for the , as Trump railed against China at campaign rallies, accusing it of currency manipulation and stealing US jobs.

If no one objects, they will be formally registered after 90 days. All but three are in the president’s own name. China already registered one trademark to the president, for Trump-branded construction services on 14 February, the result of a 10-year legal battle that turned in Trump’s favor after he declared his candidacy.

Ethics lawyers across the political spectrum say that if Trump receives any special treatment in securing trademark rights, it would violate the US constitution, which bans public servants from accepting anything of value from foreign governments unless approved by Congress. Concerns about potential conflicts of interest are particularly sharp in China, where the courts and bureaucracy are designed to reflect the will of the ruling Communist party. Read more

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